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Auteur Sujet: Ranged Combat  (Lu 3340 fois)

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Hors ligne BlueRonin

  • Humain(e) en immersion / Human in immersion
  • Messages: 26
  • Force Polaris : 2
Ranged Combat
« le: 19/01/2017 - 09:29:42 »
Questions / Clarifications on Ranged Combat

1. Firing two guns at once (Single Shots, Rapid Fire, Short Bursts): On CRB1 p. 228 it says "the character gets either a +3 bonus on his Shooting test (for Single Shops this simply cancels out the inherent penalty)". I'm assuming "Single Shots" refer to  "Snap Shot" (CRB1 p. 226), but what does the "inherent penalty" refer to? I can't see any penalty for firing snap shots.

2. Does the penalty "Using the non-primary hand: -5" from Melee Tests (CRB1 p. 222) count for making ranged attacks as well? As such, will it apply to all tests in relation to "Firing Two Guns at Once" unless the character has the Ambidextrous advantage?

Example A: A Marine Commando fires a Short Burst with a Paloma light submachine gun from each hand at a single enemy at short range. At Action Phase 16 he makes one Handguns Skill Test with a target number of 19 (Global Skill Level 16, +3 for Short Burst) and adds +5 to his damage roll (firing two guns at once). Is this correct?

3. Does "Success Probability" (CRB1 p. 228, under Firing Two Guns at Once) refer to the Base Success Probability or Total Success Probability? In other words, is the Success Probability halved before or after adding Difficulty Modifiers?

Example B: A Marine Commando fires a Short Burst with a Paloma light submachine gun from each hand at two enemies standing before him, 3m apart and both at short range. At Action Phase 16 he fires one burst at each target, making tow rolls. He makes one Handguns Skill Test with a target number of 16 (Global Skill Level 16) to hit the first target (normal damage if successful), then he makes a second Handguns Skill Test  with a target number of 3 ([Base Success Probability / 2], -5 for using non-primary hand), also with normal damage. Is this correct?

Hors ligne Cyrull

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Re : Ranged Combat
« Réponse #1 le: 19/01/2017 - 16:09:23 »
1/ ignore this sentence.
2/this penalty is applicable if you use only your non-primary hand and for the second attack if you use the martial art technique Wielding two weapons (-5 for the second attack). In other cases (ranged or melee attacks), don't use this penalty because the major advantage of using two weapons is to provide more opportunities to attack.

Note that if you use two firing weapons and you choose to attack two targets, the penalty to the second attack is only the normal success probability reduced by half (I will add or -5, wichever is higher).

Hors ligne BlueRonin

  • Humain(e) en immersion / Human in immersion
  • Messages: 26
  • Force Polaris : 2
Re : Ranged Combat
« Réponse #2 le: 19/01/2017 - 16:23:02 »
So, to correct example B it should be as follows

Example B: A Marine Commando fires a Short Burst with a Paloma light submachine gun from each hand at two enemies standing before him, 3m apart and both at short range. At Action Phase 16 he fires one burst at each target, making tow rolls. He makes one Handguns Skill Test with a target number of 16 (Global Skill Level 16) to hit the first target (normal damage if successful), then he makes a second Handguns Skill Test with a target number of 8 ([Base Success Probability / 2]), also with normal damage.

It is quite a suprise to see such advantages to using automatic fire and multiple weapons! I like it, but I'll have to get a solid grip on the optional rules for "Stray Bullets!" in order to keep my players on edge, haha! :)

Once again I thank you for taking the time to clarify these questions, Cyrull! It has really helped me get my head around the rules for combat! I'm itching to roll some dice soon!

Hors ligne Cyrull

  • Créateur / Creator
  • Demeter
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  • Messages: 2249
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nd It will helpp
« Réponse #3 le: 19/01/2017 - 16:33:36 »
no problem. It's me that thanks you because sometimes, I can see problems that I hadn't noticed. And it will help me prepare the erratas file or a revision of the rules. So, don't hesitate !