
Helping with translation

Démarré par Murène, 25/10/2017 - 14:13:09

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Hello guys,

I have been out of role playing for years but I found a new group where I live, here in Norway. When I found that Polaris had been reissued, improved and translated in English I found it fantastic and I really look forward to play it with my group.

I noticed that a lot of material was available in French (good for me  ;D ) but unfortunately not to English readers.

I would like to help the community with the translation if needed be !

PS: I would let the admin re-post this in the correct forum if required. Sorry in advance for the inconvenience.

This would really much be appreciated.

Univers in french, test with deepl :

« Si seulement vous aviez pu voir ce que j'ai vu ! Une horreur
absolue, je n'avais jamais rien imaginé d'aussi atroce. Ce qui se terre
sous Keryss n'a rien d'humain. Quand je l'ai aperçu pour la première
fois, le type se dissimulait dans une ruelle déserte. Il avait peur, terriblement peur. J'étais de faction au nord du périmètre commercial du
dôme. C'est pas un endroit follement animé la nuit. Oui ! La nuit !
Dans la cité du dôme il y a une nuit. Je sais pas comment les techniciens font ça, mais la voûte reproduit un ciel étoilé avec la lune et
même des nuages. Il paraît que c'était comme ça à la surface, avant les
cataclysmes. D'ailleurs, ça pose souvent un problème aux visiteurs, cette
reconstitution des conditions de la surface.

"If only you could have seen what I saw! An absolute horror
I had never imagined anything so atrocious. What is lying
under Keryss is not human at all. When I saw it for the first time
the guy was hiding in a deserted alley. He was scared, terribly scared. I was on guard at the northern end of the commercial perimeter of the
dome. It's not a very busy place at night. Yes! At night!
In the dome city there is a night. I don't know how the technicians do it, but the vault reproduces a starry sky with the moon and
even clouds. It seems that it was like that on the surface, before the
cataclysms. Besides, that often poses a problem to the visitors, this
reconstitution of the conditions of the surface.

18/07/2021 - 04:51:26 #3 Dernière édition: 18/07/2021 - 04:54:27 par Isto
What a bunch of nonsense.

Wait, there is Anime ?

Citation de: Chninkel le 18/07/2021 - 00:53:24
Univers in french, test with deepl :

« Si seulement vous aviez pu voir ce que j'ai vu ! Une horreur
absolue, je n'avais jamais rien imaginé d'aussi atroce. Ce qui se terre
sous Keryss n'a rien d'humain. Quand je l'ai aperçu pour la première
fois, le type se dissimulait dans une ruelle déserte. Il avait peur, terriblement peur. J'étais de faction au nord du périmètre commercial du
dôme. C'est pas un endroit follement animé la nuit. Oui ! La nuit !
Dans la cité du dôme il y a une nuit. Je sais pas comment les techniciens font ça, mais la voûte reproduit un ciel étoilé avec la lune et
même des nuages. Il paraît que c'était comme ça à la surface, avant les
cataclysmes. D'ailleurs, ça pose souvent un problème aux visiteurs, cette
reconstitution des conditions de la surface.

"If only you could have seen what I saw! An absolute horror
I had never imagined anything so atrocious. What is lying
under Keryss is not human at all. When I saw it for the first time
the guy was hiding in a deserted alley. He was scared, terribly scared. I was on guard at the northern end of the commercial perimeter of the
dome. It's not a very busy place at night. Yes! At night!
In the dome city there is a night. I don't know how the technicians do it, but the vault reproduces a starry sky with the moon and
even clouds. It seems that it was like that on the surface, before the
cataclysms. Besides, that often poses a problem to the visitors, this
reconstitution of the conditions of the surface.

To be honest, this is not so bad at all. The comma is missing after horror though, making the sentence not so easy to understand.